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The Desert Way

I stand in the dried, barren, wilderness of my life. I see all of the obstacles, all of the dust storms, all of the prickly cactus stems with their every thorn pointed towards me. I feel the hot sun beating down upon me as I laboriously journey on towards my Promised Land.

I swallow hard, and my dry throat reminds me of the scarcity of every precious drop of life-giving H2O. My sandals are threadbare, and my feet burn, calloused and blistered. In the burning heat of the blasting sun, I search for the Shadow of a Rock in a dry, thirsty land.

The Journey through the desert has been long and arduous, and my heart fails me as the sandy path ahead blends into a hazy mirage of something I only wish was there.

A Dry Nevada Desert

You see, in the journey through the wilderness, I am becoming so focused on the difficulty of the journey, that I forget!

I forget the manna, freshly showered from above each morning, and I forget that it is angel food.

I forget about the Oasis experience I had last week, which filled my soul and gave me fresh purpose.

I forget the quail that the Lord sent and filled the camp months ago, to satisfy my cravings for meat!

I forget the abundance of water, gushing from the rock, to give me to drink.

I forget about the deliverance from my enemies along the way.

I forget about the cloud to guide me by day, and the brightly burning wall of fire by night.

I even forget the great deliverance from the bondage of Egypt, where I once was a slave in chains

I forget, because the way is so HARD.

Why do I forget? My past behind me is literally liberally filled with gigantic miracles of God's faithfulness.

Why do I falter? Why do I feel alone? Why do I feel that my situation is impossible, when God has parted the Red Sea not so very long ago? Why do I look longingly towards the fleshpots in Egypt, when I have angels' food at my fingertips?

Why do I fret in my freedom, when I was once a slave?

I see my weak human side in sharp focus. I feel my muscles quail against the onslaught of the desert. I feel my parched tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, and my eyes scan the horizon for a non-existent escape from the harrowing dangers of the wilderness.

I know my Leader is great, and gracious, and kind. I trust He has abundant mercy and grace. I know He can hold me up when I fall, can help me on when I can't even walk anymore, and can provide a rest when my strength falters. I know that pillar of Cloud & Fire surrounds me from dangers I can't see.

Yet, yesterday's miracles do not supply today's needs. They do not fix the burning desires I have that are pure and right, and yet denied. They do not render bread or water or desert currency. They do not cool the heat of the day, nor void the threat of the lurking enemy. They do not do away with the serpent's sneaky appearances, nor its poisonous intent. They do not scare away the sneaky desert wolves and evil beasts with their murderous thoughts.

But Wait! What about yesterday's miracles though? Let's focus on yesterday's miracles for one minute longer. Let's name them, one by one. Let's remember what we have been delivered from. Let's recall what the Lord has done for us. Let's remember how very big those miracles were, and what very odd methods He sometimes used.

Lake Mead, the Hoover Dam. Jan 31, 2020

Maybe, remembering Miracles inspires Hope. If God did such great miracles once, could He not do something similar again?

A person with Hope, has Strength.

When you focus on what God has done long enough with all of your thankful heart, you are granted Joy. And Joy, when rejoiced in, brings Strength. Strength to get up, and go on. Strength to face the heat of the day and strength to wait on the Lord.

Remembering what God hath wrought, rejoicing in Hope, being patient in tribulation, continuing in renews strength.

I get back up, and resolutely shod my feet with good tidings and prepare them to bring the Gospel of Peace to other desert travelers.

I trod the hot, sandy desert onward, regardless of its dangers and hurts and sorrows.

I pray and sing as I navigate though the rugged, dangerous path.

I view the desert beauty in a way I've never seen it before, and I am grateful for the rugged scenery.

I thwart the serpent's evil strike and tread upon him.

I give thanks for the pillar of Cloud that leads me on through the day.

I treasure the pillar of fiery protection that both guides me through the long night, and provides light amid the darkness. It even ends up being a rear-guard at times.

I strike at the evil beasts, and am surprised at how cowardly some of them actually are.

I joy in the stranger-than-fiction story of my deliverances!

I'm glad I'm no longer a slave...I walk in freedom.

I'm going through this desert because I'm free to do what I know is right.

I change my focus from the way of the wilderness, and how hard it LOOKS and FEELS, to focusing on Hope, Strength, and Joy.

I rejoice even when the way is hard.

I offer the sacrifices of praise along the hot, dry Path.

I keep on going- because that narrow, dusty Way, I know where it leads.

It leads HOME!

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