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My Princess House Journey, Part 5, God Answers Prayer

"I'd like you to come and do a party for me," my friend from my little country church said. "I wouldn't mind having some of your cookware and kitchen products."

I pulled the phone away from my ear and stared at it for a had been only a couple of days since I had dedicated my Princess House Business to God. Now this sweet lady just up and calls me and asks for a party?

"Sure," I managed, trying to sound business like...but I felt like leaping for joy! "When would you like to book it?"

I painstakingly filled in the date in my Business Calendar, and looked forward to it.

That afternoon, my phone rang again. It was from a lady in Lancaster County who had a sister getting married, and would I come and do a Bridal Shower for her? I couldn't believe it! I filled in that date as well, booking it in as close as I could.

A day later, one of EJ's friend's wife called. She would love to do a Princess House party for me, she said. With tears trembling on my eyelashes, I pulled my calendar out, and we dated that one as well.

My phone kept right on ringing, and two weeks after my prayer I realized that I was booked out approx. 2 months. Did I think it was a coincidence? Not in the least bit. I remembered my promise to talk about God & His Wonderful Kindness to me at every single party I was a consultant at, and I kept that promise, too.

Charity convinced me to do a simple cooking demo to show how the products work. I learned to make a whole chicken in the Miracle Dish in the microwave.

(Take a whole chicken, and sprinkle it with fresh lemon juice. Place the squeezed lemons inside the cavity of the chicken. Sprinkle chicken with the PH Miracle Chicken Blend (a seasoning blend we sold back then). Don't add any water!!! Microwave 10 minutes per pound! It was Delicious, the skin was crispy, and there was a nice amount of broth in the bottom!)

I also made rice in one of the nonstick pieces of cookware to go with it. Such simple, inexpensive ingredients, but it worked. The guests loved it, and I booked more parties from those original parties.

Me, Teesh, & Trent

From that time forward, my Princess House business began to slowly grow.

I paid back the mentor who had written me a check for the cookware set. I was so thrilled to hand him that check.

I also went to the bank and got my own checking account. I explained to bank teller what was happening in our lives, and begged for a line of credit just in case I ever needed it for an emergency. She looked at my tear-stained face very thoughtfully. "All I have is my word," I told her, "but I promise you that my word is good. I will pay it back." She gave me access to a line of credit, much to my relief. I wouldn't use it unless I had to, I told myself.

My cell phone had gotten shut off, and I discontinued the plan. I couldn't afford it. But, my mentors weren't very happy. They wanted me to have a phone in case of an emergency. But, I told them I couldn't afford it. So, I made it a matter of prayer.

4 days later, one of my little country church sisters knocked on my door. To my astonishment, she was crying. "Here!" she said emphatically, and pushed a bag at me. I opened it up, and my surprise, I found a trac-fone in the bag.

"What? how did you know I needed a cell phone?" I demanded. I hadn't really told anyone.

"Well, it's the oddest thing," she sobbed. "God's been waking me up at 2 or 3 AM every night for over a week, and He tells me the same thing every time. He tells me to get you a trac-fone. But I didn't want to do it, because I thought you had a cellphone. I thought I was loosing my head!!! Finally, my husband told me to just follow God and do what He said , and here I am."

I thanked her profusely. I assured her, that no, she was not delusional AT ALL...I really did need that trac-fone, and was grateful for the minutes she had bought for me. She dried her tears, and we had some good laughs before she went home!

We did get kicked out of our home we had rented together, and EJ decided to get his own apartment. I wept openly, sobbing uncontrollably, ignoring those who had come to help EJ claim which of our furniture was his, and take it to his new apartment. The memory of having purchased that furniture just a few years earlier with so much hope for a good life together was like wormwood and gall to me.

EJ took what he wanted, but left me with most of the furniture. He took the Honda SUV we had, but sold his truck, and bought me a little Alero to drive.

I still couldn't find a house for the children and me. Friends helped me look, but nothing was coming up. I didn't have much time left in the house I was in.

I packed up our clothes, and left for a little trip to Vermont to see my family. I'd deal with all of this when I got home. I needed to get away a little.

Our close friends who were in our bridal party, stayed close by both EJ's side and mine. They drove my little ones and I to see my family in VT. My family was glad to see me, and we spent time on a Lake there. It was so peaceful and healing in the Green Mountains of Vt. I basked in the wonder of creation, and shot a photo or two of a loon on the lake.

While in VT, an old-time friend handed me an envelope, and told me not to open it until I was on the way home. When the wheels of the van were finally headed towards PA, I opened the envelope. Hundreds of dollars fell out, and I wept tears of gratitude. I told God that I would use it to pay my first month's rent when I found a house.

Two days later, by a miracle from God, I found a little one bedroom house to rent close by. The money in the envelope covered my rent almost exactly.

I called the electric company to see exactly how much I owed them... I knew we owed them a lot of back-bills. The electric company said they couldn't find the account, and they would have to send the bill to me in the mail. I gave them my new address. When I got the bill, it said that their accountant had made a mistake, and that over $500 was credited to my account, and I could either collect a check, or they could credit it towards the next bill. I was reeling in shock...I knew we owed them hundreds of dollars, but I didn't ask any questions. I was very sure that the electric company had an extraordinarily fluky accountant. I also knew it was my God, taking care of me.

After the move to the cute little house, that autumn I worked in earnest to pay the many back-bills that kept popping out of the woodwork. I tried to be very careful what I spent my money on.

One Saturday, I looked at my bank account, and I didn't have enough money to buy gas to go to church on Sunday, so I decided in my heart that we'd just stay home. When I went to get my mail that afternoon, a $50 Sheetz Card lay ON TOP of my mail. We went to church rejoicing that Sunday.

Another Saturday, I was out of wood to burn...I had only a few sticks left to put into my heating stove. So, I painstakingly gathered up the last little logs & sticks and built a fire to heat my little house. "I must call someone," I thought, "to buy some more firewood." Suddenly, I heard some banging around outside, and saw my Deacon Brother with his pickup and a big load of firewood. He was already unloading it! Astonished, I asked him, "How did you know I needed firewood?" He smiled at me. "I didn't know for sure, but I thought maybe you could use some." And he didn't let me pay for it, either.

I needed a baby sitter for my children while I did parties. Sometimes, I took them along, but Trent began to take steps at 9 month old, and he wasn't content to sit in his seat any more. I almost couldn't do a party demo and be sure that he wasn't demolishing the hostess's house.

Again, a friend from the little county church came to me. "Glenda, you have such cute children. I'd be so happy to take care of them for you while you do your parties," she offered. I looked into her kind dark eyes, and I knew she would take excellent care of my children. I took her up on her offer, and to this day, my children are very fond of her, and think of her children as their siblings.

The stress in our lives continued... but God had me. I was His Daughter--His Princess, actually, and I found myself surrounded by His infinite care. So often in the heat of day, I was sure I couldn't go on, but then God would show Himself strong on my behalf, and I'd get back up, and keep on hoping in what He was going to do!

P.S. This story is only's only my story.

-I hope you all can let the story speak for itself.

-It's not meant to hold up to anyone as an example of what they should or shouldn't do if they find themselves in a similar state, because all situations are different.

-It's not written to make anyone feel bad.

-However, my hope is that you can be inspired that God is a Father in even the darkest of situations, even if we can't feel His presence.

-I'm not perfect, and I made piles of mistakes as I staggered through the wreckage of my life, trying to find my way.

But God was Bigger than my failures, and He was bigger than my misfortunes.

And, He still is, maybe even especially when it doesn't feel like it.

Much Love, Glenda

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4 comentários

Membro desconhecido
09 de jul. de 2023

Glory, hallelujah! 🙌🏼 This God is our God forever and ever. Thank you so much for sharing about the faithfulness of a good Father in your life and the blessings that come through the family of God!

”Give ear, O ye heavens, and I will speak; and hear, O earth, the words of my mouth. My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass: Because I will publish the name of the LORD: ascribe ye greatness unto our God. He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity,…

Membro desconhecido
09 de jul. de 2023
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Amen! God is very good!


Membro desconhecido
08 de jul. de 2023

Thankyou Glenda for sharing about Gods care and love in your life! I woke up this morning, struggling to trust God …and worrying about our finances and my husbands work. I came out to the living room and checked my phone and found your last blog. My faith is strengthened to keep trusting my Abba Father!!

Membro desconhecido
08 de jul. de 2023
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May God part the Red Sea for you. He’s able!!!

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