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Happy Mother's Day

Mother's Day! That day brings all kinds of emotions to my heart. I think back to becoming a mom...welcoming a beautiful pink bundle after a long difficult labor, and then finally,

a C-section. To have a bright-eyed baby girl after all that was such a relief!!

The second time around, I just went for a C-section straight was a walk in the park compared to the the first birth, and I was shocked and overjoyed to see a black haired baby boy, crying loudly in protest.

Then, after two beautiful babies, there were no more. I went through this period of sadness. I thought that good virtuous women should have at least 4 children or more...and I found that I had to remove that falsehood. After all, some would want even 2!! But, even after that fib from the enemy was removed, I still grieved. I was sad to think I might never have more children.

One day, I woke to this realization; I was spending a startling amount of time thinking about what I Didn't much more than what I DID HAVE!!!!!! How utterly ridiculous! I had 2 children...a boy AND a girl. Wasn't that considered a million dollar family?

I decided to see what the Word says about this...Isaiah 54 has lots to say. It speaks to the barren woman and tells her to break into singing, and cry aloud! It tells her to Enlarge her spare not! For she shall have MORE children than the married woman. (Well, my marriage was in shambles by that point, I thought. So, it applied to me.)

I decided that for me, it meant asking God to enlarge the tents of my own two children, so that someday they could somehow be as mighty as if I had born 10! So, every day, I ask for that. Now, trust me, somedays I wonder! 🤪But hey, according to your faith, so be it unto you, right?

I also decided it meant finding ways to bless others, using the gifts God gave me. Isn't that what God made women for, to bring beauty and comfort to the world? To bless others, to lift them up, to laugh with them, to weep with them, to speak words of Life, to ignite Hope into tattered souls, to joy with them in their greatest and smallest accomplishments, to celebrate the talents they bring to the world?

Guess what I found?

I found out that you don't have to have children to become a "Mother." There are lots of ways to mother others...and it's just as fulfilling!

I found ladies, some even older than me looking to me to "mother" or mentor them!!

I found children in Sunday School Classes to teach, and homeless bums to feed, and heartbroken people to cheer.

I found churches and old people to sing to.

I found that my own living room served as a Great War other words, a great spot for a day of fasting and prayer (and it was awesome as a host, too, because I only had to serve Tea or Coffee!!)

I found miracles as I watched Jesus answer prayers of my friends.

I found nieces and nephews to lavish my love on... and to some of them, I'm their favorite "Auntie Glenda".

I found bills to pay at grocery stores when others forgot their wallets or didn't have enough money to buy groceries.

I found that smiles go a long, long way.

I found children to video stories to.

I found pulpits to preach on. I found the pain of intercessory prayers.

I found church sisters to take to the shore on a weekend.

I found funny cartoons and stories to share with people who need to laugh a little more. I found those who feel hopeless to set HOPE in front of again.

The best part? Any one of YOU CAN find those things too, in your own realm of possibilities.

And guess what?You can be a Mother without going through the pain and mess of physical childbirth!!! I'll include a picture to remind you of the graphic state of childbirth affairs!!!

Anyway, there's all kinds of ways to be a Mother. So, Happy Mother's Day to ALL of you ladies out there! I celebrate YOU!

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5 opmerkingen

Onbekend lid
14 mei 2023

Thankyou for sharing. You are a blessing to me for sure! Happy Mother’s Day♥️


Onbekend lid
14 mei 2023

God bless you Glenda..I needed that this morning. You are a wonderful niece..lots of love to you ❤️

Onbekend lid
14 mei 2023
Reageren op

Love you, too, Aunt Bev! Happy Mother’s Day!


Onbekend lid
14 mei 2023

Love you, Glenda! Life is full of abundance! Happy happy mother's day, which includes much more then just our children, yes,if we let it!!❤️😍

Rose Yoder

Onbekend lid
14 mei 2023
Reageren op

Absolutely!!! True words!! Have a wonderful weekend!

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