Ever feel like Life is spinning out of control?
Ever feel like "the harder you try, the behinder you get," as my Grandma Witmer puts it?
Ever feel like sorrow knocks you down every time you think you are healing from grief?
Ever feel like the more you love someone, the less they love you?
Ever feel like nothing you do makes a shred of difference in your current situation?
Ever feel like the loss is too much to handle?
Ever feel like God doesn't know what He's doing?
Ever feel like the road into the unknown is too risky?
Ever feel like you're walking alone? All alone?
I know what that feels like.
But. God's Got It. Even when it doesn't feel like it.
ESPECIALLY when it doesn't feel like it. And it takes lots of faith to believe that, too...faith that what you can't see right now is a whole lot bigger than what you do see.
One day, in March of 2020, as the world spun out of control into the Covid Pandemic Era, as I pondered this all, I grabbed a pen...and this poem seemed to ink right out of the pen onto the paper, quite quickly.
The funny thing was, life skyrocketed out of control very rapidly in all sorts of new ways in my life after I wrote this.
"God's Got It," I'd say to myself, over and over, when I faced something bigger than I.
I'm still doing that. As I face the mountains in front of me today, I'm still reminding myself, "God's Got It, Glenda. He's Got It." And somehow, repeating that over and over seems to create a shift in my mind, and brings me to peace. If God made mountains, then He's surely bigger than the mountains that I face.
God's Got It
I know that God’s got it,
Whatever I see,
I trust that His Blueprint
Is perfect for me.
I know that God’s got it,
When clouds surround me,
My steps will not falter
Because He loves me.
I know that God’s got it,
When others may frown
And tell me my building
Will probably fall down.
I know that God’s got it,
When I’ve missed the mark,
When I’ve failed completely
In doing my part.
I know that God’s got it,
Alone though I be,
And no one I know
Will walk beside me.
I know that God’s got it,
Though Satan may roar,
And evil surrounds me
And knocks on my door.
I know that God’s got it,
Though funds may be low,
His riches in Glory
To me He’ll bestow.
I know that God’s got it,
Though health disappears,
And sickness and sorrow
And pain on me leers.
I know that God’s got it,
When loved ones below
Are transported to
That Heavenly Glow.
I know that God’s got it,
Whatever betide,
I believe that my Jesus
Walks close by my side.
I know that God’s got it,
Today, what I see
Is nothing compared to
The things I will be!!!
I know that God’s got it,
In lands where I live,
But in Heaven’s mansions,
More praise will I give.
I’ll know that God had it,
When Jesus I’ll see,
When over life’s trials
My Faith will lift me.
What about you? Do you believe God's Got It? Today, as you face YOUR mountains, if you're human enough to have them, say to yourself, "God's Got It."
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