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Crowns, My Princess House Journey, Part 7

I couldn't believe my ears. I had seen on the caller id of my phone that the caller was from Princess House. I figured it was from Customer Service, calling about some replacement issue. But Lo! It was nobody from the Customer Service Department. What in the world?

"Hello," a distinguished male voice said to me through the phone.

"Hello," I answered uncertainly.

The distinguished male voice continued talking, and I continued listening nervously. Who on earth was this? "Hi, Glenda. This is the CEO of Princess House, Chat Lenoard, calling you. How are you?"

"I-I'm fine." I answered.

"Well, I'm calling to congratulate you. You were the fourth person in all of Princess House to earn the current travel trip contest to Las Vegas. You have worked very hard to earn this, and I want to be the first to congratulate you." He went on talking, but my mind raced back to several months ago.

Princess House had announced that the new travel trip contest was to Las Vegas, and I had promptly dismissed even trying to work to earn it. But, of course Charity had called me shortly after, enthusiasm bouncing right through the phone line. "This is a Wonderful Opportunity," she gushed. "I bet you could earn it, too."

"Huh." I had grunted noncommittally.

Finally Charity stopped extolling all of the marvels of a trip to Vegas, and asked me, "Glenda, what's wrong?"

"I can't go to Vegas," I said. "My Mom says you shouldn't go there because it's Sin City."

There was a slight pause. "My dear," Charity began patiently, "did your Mama ever tell you that you can go to Sin City without sinning?"

Now THAT was a brand new thought to me. "No," I answered.

"Well, that's the truth. And plus, did you see the extra incentive they just put out?"

"No." I scowled into the phone, glad she couldn't see me...I hadn't even glanced at that incentive. If anyone could persuade me, it was Charity. She surely had a knack!!

"Well! If you work just a little extra harder, the top 100 earners get a free trip to the Grand Canyon in private airplanes, and the top 25 also get a Spa Treatment! And you know what? You can go see the Hoover Dam and how it was built..."

And by the time I was done talking to her, I was sold. I was going to at least give it a try.

Now, a couple months later, I had the trip in the bag, and the CEO was informing me that I was the 4th consultant in the whole nation to earn it!!!

But while I was remembering, the CEO had been still talking. He outlined what more I had to do to be in the top 100, and then in the top 25. He thought I could do it, he said, and would only be a phone call away if I needed any help. Then, with all kinds of best wishes, he hung up.

I worked very hard that summer. I kept studying the numbers I had to do. Every single day, I stared at those numbers and tried to figure out how I could beat the top numbers on my computer screen. Suddenly, one day, I really WAS in the top 100 of the trip contest earners, and then I sweated my way into the top 25. I couldn't believe it!

The day came when EJ & I,(yes,when I earned a trip, I'd invite EJ along, and we'd have a great time. Sometimes, it was when he lived with me, and sometimes, it wasn't. But I always tried to honor him and bring him if he wanted to come along.) and Jake & Charity went to Las Vegas. All of our expenses were paid for, and we especially enjoyed eating in "The Wicked Spoon." The food was mouth-wateringly delish!

We did fly to the Grand Canyon in Private Airplanes, and I was in my glory. I just couldn't believe that I got to go there for Free. I shed a grateful tears as I stared out of the airplane window.

We went to the Hoover Dam, and toured that. We got to see how it was built, and was it Impressive!!!!

I also went for that Spa Treatment...I had a bad cold when we first got there. But some time in the Eucalyptus Steam Room & the Hot tub cleared that right up.

I had never been to a spa before, much less a high-flutant, fancy Spa, filled with a bunch of European visitors!!! This Mennonite Girl was shell-shocked, to say the least...I'll let you imagine how that was. I almost ran out of the Spa!! But it was segregated, and Charity had given me specific instructions about how long to sit in that Steam Room and hot tub to get rid of that bad cold of mine...or else I'd have bolted!!

Before we knew, our 4 day trip was over.

And so it was, that I went to Vegas, without sinning!!

The very last evening, Princess House had the Awards Ceremony Banquet. Charity had seen to it that I had made a new dress for the occasion. She said I had to really dress up. We walked into the banquet, and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was gorgeously decorated. I thought it must be like Heaven.

We found our seats. They served us some appetizers, and then began the process of awarding the consultants for personal sales in the previous year. They had groups go up front and would award them with a Star Trophy, and those being awarded got to walk up on stage, pose under a beautiful star with the President, and get their picture taken. I soon found out that it was a BIG DEAL.

After a while, I asked Charity, "Do you think I did good enough for them to call me up on stage?"

"I'm sure you will get called up sometime," she said. And we continued watching the proceedings. Consultant after consultant got called up front. I had just decided that I thought they were soon done awarding consultants. They only had the top five to award yet, and I figured I must have not done enough of sales the year before to qualify, when Charity clutched my arm in excitement. "Glenda!!! I think you might be number 1!!!" she gasped.

Then I heard these words blasting through the loudspeakers: "From the Salsano Zone, the Lapp Division, Glenda Joseph!" The crowd went wild with excitement, clapping and cheering!

From of nowhere, a Home Office Person appeared and escorted me up front. They gave me a blue ribbon sash, placed a beautiful crown on my head, and helped me up the stairs. As I walked across stage, my crown fell off my head, and the President of Princess House caught it by her fingertips, and replaced it. I learned that I had to move my head very carefully.

I stood under the Star in my fleeting moment of glory. I was presented with some expensive looking jewelry, and the crowd once again went crazy.

I looked out at the cheering crowd as I stood under that Star, and I thought of the many, many nights I had went to bed at midnight or later, the very weariness in my bones. I thought about the tears and sweat that had brought me here. I remembered the many miles I drove, and the time I spent away from my family. I thought of all of my customers and my ever so gracious hostesses. I thought about all of the debt I had paid, and how I was providing for my family. I thought about how I had dedicated my business to God, and He had prospered me, given me favor, and brought me here. I teared up. I was so thankful...beyond words or description.

I thought of my Jesus, and I wondered how crowns will be presented in Heaven. I wondered if I will look back on all of the sorrow, all of the pain, loss, & suffering here. I wondered if what I had faced on earth will cause the crown that fades not away, to be more precious. I was sure it wouldn't fall off up there, but I knew that I will take it off, and throw it at Jesus' feet, because I will at last understand what He had suffered, and would exactly how Worthy He was.

I walked down off the stage, with a kind of determination I had never felt before. I was going to do everything I knew to do, so that I wouldn't miss that Heavenly City. I was going to be there, no matter what it cost me.

Much Love,

Glenda Joseph

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Unknown member
Sep 11, 2023

Hi Glenda,

I just found you yesterday through the YouTube video you did with the Mennonite Mom. I went and read all your posts and was so blessed! Especially to hear how you dedicated your business to God and how He blessed you and your business.

I also appreciate how Charity walked with you, coaching you, and encouraging you through your whole journey. And your church family, what an amazing family they are!

Thank you so much for sharing it all, the good and bad, the amazing and the heart wrenching! May our gracious Father continue to bless and provide as you continue to depend on and trust in Him!

Unknown member
Sep 11, 2023
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Thanks for your gracious words.

God has been so kind to us.

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